Potential Trojan in electron builder uninstaller


Potential Trojan in electron builder uninstaller [solution]

Trojan Alert for Win32 

well this issue is literally getting into nerves all of a sudden I started getting this issue 

Trogen error in electron

it seems the issue is already reported in electron-builder ( https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/issues/4878) but doesn't seem its resolved from their side and i think it's not even issue from the electron-builder side if you have installed the latest nsis version which is 3.19.0 something its causing issue

Solution :

Step 1: Uninstall NSIS version which is greater than 3 completely from your pc

Step 2: download old version of NSIS  my recommendation would be to use the 2016 version ( https://sourceforge.net/projects/nsis/files/NSIS%202/2.51/ )

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