How to compile Python + Electron JS into desktop app (exe)

How to compile Python + Electron JS into desktop app (exe)

There are several ways to package a Python script and an Electron app together into a standalone executable for a desktop application. Here are a few popular options:

  1. PyInstaller: This is a popular tool that can be used to package Python scripts into standalone executables. You can use PyInstaller to create an executable of your Python script, and then use Electron to package that executable with the rest of your app.

  2. Electron Packager: Electron Packager is a command-line tool that can be used to package Electron apps for multiple platforms. You can use it to package your Electron app along with the Python script, creating a standalone executable.

  3. NW: A tool that allows you to package a python script and electron in one executable and it is electron-builder based.

  4. cx_Freeze: Another tool to package your Python script into an executable. This tool also can include a version of the Python interpreter, so that the executable can run on computers that don't have Python installed.

It's important to note that for each of these options, you need to ensure that all the dependencies of your python script and electron app are also included in the executable.

You should choose the one that fits your needs and your skills. And always test your executable on the target platform.

There are a few different ways to package a Python application with Electron. One popular method is to use the electron-python-starter package, which allows you to run a Python script in the background of an Electron app.

Here are the basic steps to get started with electron-python-starter:

  1. Install electron and electron-python-starter packages via npm
  2. Create a new Electron project using the electron-python-starter template
  3. Modify the main.js file to include the path to your Python script
  4. Run the Electron app using the command electron .
  5. To package the app into an executable file, you can use an electron-packager tool.

Please note that, this method is not the only way to package a python + electron app, there are other methods available like pyinstaller, cx_freeze etc.

For more detailed instructions and examples, you can refer to the electron-python-starter documentation.

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